When a nurse gets cancer, it’s a whole other thing and no one knows that better than Theresa Brown; she’s a nurse, a best-selling author and a person living with a breast cancer diagnosis. She’s also our special guest on this episode!
Are you good with money? Great; us neither. And that’s okay because David and John from The Queer Money Podcast are our special guests on this episode and they’re talking everything from getting out of debt, to planning for retirement, to making sure your skin still looks good when you get there. Tapping in as Honorable Cohost is the amazing Angela from They Can’t All Be Betty Podcast! Be excited.
It’s the Joselyn solo episode that no one was asking for! Just fiftyish minutes of what I’m reading, watching, doing, working, buying and feeling. Enjoy.
Links you might like:
CDC covid guidelines by county: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/covid-by-county.html
Just three hours of relaxing birdsong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mA5THpy0zsg
Suzy Biddiscombe (@feelingcreatively) is our special guest star on this episode where we talk creativity, pandemic mommyhood, illustrating a bunny with cancer and lazers with a capital Z.
Follow Suzy on IG: @feelingcreatively
Check out her Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/FeelingCreatively?ref=profile_header
Check out her digital Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/feelingnerdy
We’re discussing how we’ve changed since getting cancer; physically, mentally, emotionally and hormonally. Considering how far we’ve come, would we give it all up just to avoid having had cancer in the first place?
It’s Season 3 bay-bee, and in this episode we’re looking back at our 2021 projections and setting new ones for 2022 (mostly nail stickers and Call of Duty because it’s been a year and we’re exhausted from the lack of estrogen).
Are you glad we’re back? Comment on our Instagram: @breastcancerisboring
It’s the season finale, so join us as we discuss that thing you found on the side of your throat that never used to be there or that new pain you have in your hip; wherever and whatever it is, math says it’s both cancer and not cancer at the same time.
Join us for the first annual Breast Cancer Is Boring Comedy Showcase starring Helen Park! We’re talking breaking into comedy over Zoom, turning unfunny cancer into hilarious boob coasters and our endless love for Tig Notaro.
Seriously, who doesn’t love Tig Notaro: https://youtu.be/WwFiFJn-v5w?t=176
You think religious vampire zealots are scary, wait until you get a load of where your breast cancer charity donations are going. It’s downright terrifying!
Susan G.’s most recent financial report: https://www.komen.org/wp-content/uploads/fy19-20-annual-report.pdf
Disparities in breast cancer mortality 2006: https://www.youngsurvival.org/learn/about-breast-cancer/statistics
Disparities in breast cancer mortality 2019: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6941147/
Komen suing other cancer charities: https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052748703700904575390950178142586
Komen cuts funding to PP, restores it after backlash: https://www.cnbc.com/id/100803324
Planned Parenthood providing people with cancer screenings: https://www.plannedparenthood.org/uploads/filer_public/67/30/67305ea1-8da2-4cee-9191-19228c1d6f70/210219-annual-report-2019-2020-web-final.pdf
Susan G. sure likes donating money to Republicans: https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/susan-g-komen-for-the-cure/totals?id=D000057325
Run your charity through Charity Navigator: https://www.charitynavigator.org/
Get involved to make lasting change and save lives: https://www.stopbreastcancer.org/focus/policy/