You are not prepared for the genius, the hilarity, the sheer enjoyment that is Ginny (@shudlucky), our very special guest on this week’s episode. We’re talking social media, working out (or not), why the only mastectomy titties you can find online are white and so, so much more.
One day we will all race through space-time a la Star Trek Discovery, or the mushrooms will end us all. Either way, these magic mushrooms are cool as shit.
One pill to make you larger, one pill to make you small, one pill to stave off a cancer recurrence that would prevent you from going to Paris, and one pill to help with the anxiety you feel about having to take a pill to stave off a cancer recurrence that would prevent you from going to Paris. We’re talking drugs, ya’ll.
Joselyn is going to Paris and she’s got a spreadsheet for that; now you can too. Click the link below for an International Trip Planner spreadsheet and follow along to this episode for tips on how to use it.
No way around it, this one’s about death. If you’re not here for it, no prob. If you are, it’s going to be fun, sad, difficult and encouraging. No one should have to talk about death alone, so join us.
In this B Side, Joselyn and Lauren try a thought experiment where they fantasize about what they would do, what they would wear, how they would live if they were the person they long to be. And then try to rectify why they aren’t that person. What fun!
Well, did you? Because we missed you. Join us as we kick off this season with an update on what we’ve been doing the past few months, our hopes and dreams for the rest of the year and a sneak peak at what’s coming for BCIB S4.
Lauren and Joselyn discuss the flawed research studies and empty cancer cure promises that seem to flood our internet feeds, and how these false claims can turn good girls bad. Do you know how to spot shoddy research studies? You will after listening to this.
From our breasts to our bones, there’s a whole lotta scans to be done for those of us with a history of cancer. But how do you know which scans you need? This episode breaks down the current guidelines, as well as some questionable coping strategies to help manage scanxiety. Thoughts? Comments? Concerns? Join us on IG @breastcancerisboring.
Guidelines for breast cancer screenings for people at average risk:
Guidelines for breast cancer screening for people at high risk (halfway down page):
Breast Cancer risk assessment tool:
Bone density and estrogen deficiency:
What is a Dexa scan and what do the scores mean:
Now that you’re good and stressed, here’s a video of a baby monkey making friends with a baby pig: